Introduction To Content Recycling -The Basics

Content repurposing is one of the most important steps small businesses can take to get the most out of the contest it already owns. When you repurpose content, you’re reusing something you spent a lot of time and money creating and transforming it into various formats so that it can be more widely consumed.

Not only is it a smart way to reuse older content, but it also gives your customer an opportunity to consume the content from a different perspective using different formats

Think of it as recycling. You want to spend less time creating and more time getting your content in front of your audience. For example, that blog post that you wrote on a particular topic can also serve as a great infographic, a video or even further contended into a GIF or meme that can be easily understood in a matter minutes.

If you created something in one format, try to think of all the other ways that you could reuse that information that might be just as effective.

Content creation doesn’t always require you to create new content all the time, but instead finding new creative ways to reuse what you already own.

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